PAWSitive Training llc in Sheridan WY - Dog Training in Sheridan WY -Offering a variety of dog training classes or private classes for you and your dog. Puppy Class, Basic Obedience Class, Nosework/Scent Work, AKC Canine Good Citizen, Agility, Rally and Rally Free. Classes are held in an indoor 60'x80' heated arena.
PAWSitive Training llc offers CGC, CGCA, and CGCU Classes and Evaluations. Also can evaluate for AKC Trick Titles.
Susan Hoy
Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner
Please read the First Class Information, Class Operating Policies, and download and print Class Registration Form. Fill out and bring the Class Registration Form with you to the first class or email copy to me before first class. I must talk to you in person or on the phone before you sign up for a class. Thank you!
Focus on positive training methods-Basic manners
5 week group class- 1 hour long - Focus is on learning name, off leash socialization, sit, lay down, come, off, leave it and some tricks. Puppy's need to be at least 11 weeks though 5 months old and have received at least two rounds of shots.
Customized training tailored to you and your puppy's needs. First class lasts 45 minutes- classes after the first class usually last 30 minutes. Puppy's need to be at least 11 weeks though 5 months old and have received at least two rounds of shots.
5 week group class - 1 hour long - Focus on Basic Obedience and attention on handler- No off leash socialization - If you have attended puppy class with the dog - your class will receive a discount.
Customized training tailored to you and your dog's needs. First class lasts 60 minutes- classes after the first class usually last 45 minutes.
Canine sport created to mimic professional detection tasks. The dogs are trained to find a hidden target odor and alert the handler.
5 week group class - 1 hour long - Recommend at least two sessions to complete the indication and search training. Ongoing practices after Foundations will be discounted.
Beginning to Advanced Agility Classes
Agility group classes - Foundations for Beginners - 2 sessions - $150.00 each. Timing and Handling and Course Work practices will be discounted after attending 2 sessions of the Foundations - Call for more information.
AKC CGC Classes prepare both the dog and handler for the items required for the CGC, CGCA, and CGCU Evaluation.
5 week group class - 1 hour long - Focus is on preparing the dog and handlers for the CGC, CGCA, and CGCU Test.
5 week group class - 1 hour - Rally Obedience classes include teaching you and your dog to know how to perform all of the exercises for Rally, and know how to read and complete a variety of Rally Courses.
5 week group class - 1 hour - Rally Free is a unique sport combining trick behaviors of Canine Musical Freestyle with the format of Rally-Obedience. It emphasizes the precise execution of fundamental freestyle and obedience skills.
Must be up to date on vaccinations